Comfort, ANALGESIA, & Sedation

We realize dental treatments and surgeries introduce a high level of anxiety amongst some of our patients. Your patient experience is our priority. Which is why Dr. Adamo’s office offers several forms of anesthetics, analgesics and sedation to ensure your comfort level prior to, during, and after the oral procedure.

We want to ensure you get your life back – all of it!

Please see what we offer below to ensure an amazing patient experience. We’ll discuss these options and your preferences at your initial exam.

Comfort Control
  • Local Anesthetics are used to eliminate pain during all procedures along with desired levels of sedation decided during initial exam.
  • Analgesics will be prescribed as needed for discomfort following most procedures. Most patients report minimal discomfort following periodontal procedures and do fine with over the counter analgesics (such as Motrin).

  • NuCalm is a patented sedation system we’re excited to offer. NuCalm has revolutionized our patient experience. By naturally relaxing mind and body within minutes it promotes a relaxed and comfortable dental experience for you during your procedure. See for full details on how this system works and ask us about it during your initial exam.
  • Oral Sedation is a pill, such as Valium or Halcion, and may be prescribed beforehand to relieve anxiety and make you feel calm prior to and during a procedure. During your initial visit with Dr. Adamo ensure you ask your questions and voice any concerns about the procedure or treatment.
  • Intravenous Sedation is a safe procedure that allows the patient to be sedated as adequately as needed. Following the procedure, patients report having no memory of their treatment and find the procedure effortless and pleasant on their part.